Repair of apartments

We professionally and qualitatively repair apartments on a turnkey basis, with a written guarantee of 3 years.

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Repair of an apartment in Slovakia

Apartment renovation is a complex of technical, construction and design works aimed at improving the appearance, functionality and comfort of the living space. This process can include various stages, from cosmetic updates to a full-fledged reconstructive intervention.Main aspects of apartment renovation:

- Planning: Determination of the optimal location of furniture, functional areas and equipment.

- Wall and floor coverings:
Selection and installation of wall and floor materials, taking into account aesthetic and practical aspects.

- Lighting:
Development of effective lighting schemes, selection of lamps and accent lighting.

- Furniture and equipment:
Selection and arrangement of furniture for optimal use of space.

- Decor and color scheme:
Creating a pleasant interior with the help of colors, decorative elements and textiles.

- Technical equipment: Installation of modern systems of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and other technologies.

- Plumbing work:
Repair or replacement of plumbing equipment, if necessary.

- Security:
Installation of a security and protection system.

- Functionality:
Creating a space that meets the needs of residents and provides convenience.

- Budget and deadlines:
Budget calculation, work planning and compliance with deadlines.

Apartment renovation is an individual and creative process aimed at creating a living space that meets the needs and stylistic preferences of the owners.

Prices for apartment repairs

In the world of repair services, Keter Construction Company is defined by its unique individual approach to each project and fair pricing policy in Slovakia. Understanding that each renovation is a unique task with its own requirements and characteristics, we strive to provide our customers with a transparent and fair system of estimating the cost of work.Factors affecting price formation:

- The size and complexity of the premises have a great influence on the cost of work. Open layouts and large spaces may require more effort and materials.

- The condition of the apartment before the start of renovation determines the scope of work. Repairs for reconstruction require less intervention than overhauling an abandoned building.

- The quality and type of materials that the customer chooses also affect the prices. Using exclusive or extremely expensive materials can increase overall costs.

- The level of Specifications includes scope of work and technical specifications.

- If the client has specific requirements or special technical conditions, this may affect the cost of apartment renovationIf the client seeks quick completion of work or, on the contrary, emphasizes detail and quality, this is also taken into account when forming the price.

- Design work, exclusive architectural solutions or other additional services may be included in the estimate of the cost of the work.

Keter Construction Company studies all these factors and offers individually adapted solutions for each client. Our approach is not only to create a beautiful and comfortable space, but also to ensure an honest and transparent agreement that will satisfy the most demanding customers.

Order repair of apartments in Slovakia

Keter Construction Company - ваш надійний партнер для ремонту квартир у Словаччині, де ми перетворимо ваш житловий простір у вишуканий оазис комфорту та стилю. Замовивши ремонт квартири у нас, ви отримаєте особливий підхід до кожного етапу робіт. Ми спеціалізуємося на різноманітних типах ремонтних робіт, включаючи євроремонт, комплексний, капітальний та частковий ремонт. Від демонтажних робіт та електромонтажу до сантехнічних та оздоблювальних робіт, наша команда вправно впорається з будь-яким завданням.

Ми розуміємо, що квартира - це особистий простір, який відображає ваш стиль та смак і пропонуємо індивідуальний дизайн та рішення, спрямовані на створення неповторної атмосфери в кожному приміщенні. Замовте ремонт квартири в Keter Construction Company, і ми гарантуємо вам якісні роботи, термінове виконання завдань та кінцевий результат, який вас вразить. Дозвольте нам зробити ваше житло більш затишним та стильним.



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Keter Construction Company -
provider of smart housing solutions.



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(c) Keter Construction Company s.r.o.
Obchodna 559/37
811 06 Bratislava - mestska cast Stare Mesto
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